Wednesday, February 3, 2016



Welcome back to a really weird episode of Arrow. Okay right off the back THANK GOD ROY IS BACK FOR ONE EPISODE. We can bring back Thea, and Sarah eighteen different times but, god forbid lets bring back Roy. What I really liked about this episode was the credits. No I'm just kidding it was an interesting episode and just like Flash they are denying the people what they want. THE VILLAIN! Damien Darkh is such an interesting character but, lets bring in a character called the calculator! If anyone has ever found interest in a calculator they are either dead, or mute. Actually anyone who finds a calculator interesting please email me or message me and we can have a huge conversation on calculators. Now let's get to the part that I'm pretty sure was irrelevant and complete Bullsh*t. A fu*king vision gave you a rock? So lets just try to look at this from a logical standpoint! You were brutally tortured to lets say the brink of death worst case scenario. The fact that your brain is able to duplicate a vision of you seeing a image of someone who died is FU*KED! On top of you seeing a dead BI*CH these girl hands you a god damn rock. You know when this would be handy? Maybe the only time this would actually be handy or make sense is if you were going to Sodom the Ancient Village from the Old Testment and Damien Darkh was being stoned to death. Not only is he being stoned to death but, none has any rocks they need one rock to finally kill him! Oh but, would you look at that! Look what Oliver FU*cking Queen has in his hands! A FU*CKING rock and he is able to finally kill Damien Darkh! Thank you writers of Arrow for absolutely taking a Demon sized Sh*t on our eyes and expecting us to enjoy it. The only thing i suggest for "Next Time" is ask for a gun from your vision so instead of crying in a jail cell you can actually escape. I could go on and on about the flaws of this episode but, Ill end it on a good note. We got to see Roy so Thank You I guess. 

P.S. The Felicity Dad reveal was good. Can you writers seriously stop bringing characters back? Its like Dragon Ball Z with less screaming and blonde hair. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Flash "Fast Lane"

"Lets Get Re-TAR-did"

Welcome to another episode of Flash! This week's episode we saw tar, glass, and the flash as his speed would become "ReTArdid. (I'll stop with the play on words now) With so much happening with the flash and the alternate storylines it was cool to see them going back to the metahumans! Also did anyone catch that Arrow easter egg? (Fyi Hiliary wouldn't stand a chance against Oliver Queen!) Another thing I thought was unique was that this Wells duplicated Earth One Wells but, this Wells Earth Two Wells chose a different path. For the record this whole Alternate Universe deal is becoming confusing just writing about it! I don't know if anyone realized but, "The Green Arrow" and "Flash" are somewhat consistent on having the same storyline. The Villian has strong powers, leading romantic lead gets hurt, people are being betrayed. Obviously that is a huge generalization and is somewhat inaccurate but, you know where I'm coming from! These shows are so good because they're so different! I hope for the rest of these episodes they can start to stray in their own directions! What I did love was Barry's well written speech on saving Well's daughter and the push and pull of Wells conscious. The fact that they aren't sending a traitor back to deal with his sh*t shows why the Arrow and Flash are different. In total this episode was interesting but, WE ALL WANT TO SEE ZOOM! I hope in the coming episodes they show a little bit more on Zoom! Seeing as they are going to Earth Two we might becoming very close to his Origin! Cross your fingers Flash fans and make sure to watch next weeks episode!

P.S. Did anyone catch Cisco's ringtone? This show would be so dark without that man! Got to love it!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

He's Back

"The Reverse Flash Returns"

Welcome back Eobard Thawne! Right off the bat you got to see Reverse Flash who was really in the entire episode. Which for one is great but, at the same time wasn't. I think back in Season one of the flash it was so good because you didn't know him, who he was, or what he wanted. The greatest thing about this character in Season 1 was the element of mystery. Obviously i think we can all agree that Harrison Wells plays a better Reverse Flash then the actual Reverse Flash. Quick fact: did you know Harrison Wells isn't even in the comics? It makes it seem strange that Harrison Wells plays a better Villain then Eobard Thawne some would say its a little "Reverse." One thing I will say about this episode is it felt like a rerun of Season one. Reverse trying to hurt everyone, cisco ends up taking damage from Reverse and then Reverse Flash is gone by the end of the episode. What doesn't make sense to me is the whole time linear theory. Where because he didn't die from the future and still exists. If his ancestors died he wouldn't be born..... I feel like they just needed a reason to tell his story and bring him back because a lot of fans love him. Another thing I didn't like was the whole Patty/Barry conflict. It just seems like their whole problem this episode had no meaning? Seriously what was the point of having her figure out that he is the flash just so she would still end up leaving? The only hope I have for this storyline is down the road she comes back in a good manner. Patty is a good character and it'd be a shame to waste this storyline plus she got curves! Besides all It was a pretty good episode for the Flash I'd give it a B for an overall grade.

P.S. It would be really cool if Flash, Reverse Flash, and Zoom all had a three way fight. Make it happen flash writers! 

Monday, January 25, 2016

Its been 8 years.....

"Why so Serious?"

Has it been 8 years already? I guess it has since the great Heath Ledger had made his mark on the role of the Joker. It is truly amazing how dark and iconic this character was. The thing that I loved is how far it actually strayed from the comic version but, in the best way possible. The great Christopher Nolan helped bring reality to a comic hero and also to a comic villain. Back when this movie was coming out people were very skeptical about Heath Ledger being cast as the green haired maniac. Now look at what we have! Many people saying how the new joker (Jared Leto) can't match Heath Ledger's performance. I personally agree with this statement. Jared Leto can't match Heath on being the joker! You know why? Its because these two actor's are playing two different roles. It may be the same character but, they are vastly different. 

Dedication, unique, and raw talent is what can be said to describe not only the Joker but, Heath Ledger. I feel like Heath Ledger was the first on showing how much dedication you can put into a character and the role. Heath Ledger was the roots of what is now is becoming a phenomenon in the entertainment industry. Every comic book movie now focuses on the Villain to the point where they are making a movie about Villains(Suicide Squad). Let us just admire and absolutely miss the man who brought the scars, and scares to life. Heath, I never knew you but, we all miss you and we all wish we could have seen your character really play out in the Dark Knight Rises! So for now let us all remember a great actor and great human being! 

P.S. You're the man Heath!  (Click on the Link) 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

True Love

"The Meaning of Life"

Today, I am writing about something so absolutely beautiful that I honestly don't know how to describe it. First let me tell you about my day. It was normal like most. Oh boy was I wrong I was walking down the street when I saw something that peeked my interest. I followed my curiosity down a long alleyway till I get to a hint of what was in store. I saw bright lights everywhere, friendly faces.  I started to dream about the curves, the light coat, and the beautiful feeling when we stared in to each others eyes. Some people say I'm crazy but I know I'm not. You know that amazing feeling you get; its like a rainbow of emotions, kind of makes your entire body numb? Its amazing how you can feel so small until you meet them and you realize your not alone on this giant planet. Well I'll tell you what folks, when I thought all hope was lost and I had lost sight and mind of my curiosity. She had handed me the bag and as I sat on my couch I knew exactly what was going to happen. I was about to get it on with something that had just walked into my life. As my lips watered up and I was ready. As I took my time I knew I was dreaming how could this be ? The taste so pure and beautiful I was on cloud nine! The crunch is what got to me it was a dream come true. Then the avocado mixed inside of it was almost too much. You never realize what you have until its gone. So go ahead ask me have I ever been in love? Yeah... I have. 

P.S. You should go try some Avocado Egg Rolls they're alright. 

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Leonard Snart

Enjoying The Weather? 

Welcome to The Ice Age. As you can see outside its colder then my Fathers heart. Isn't that right Little Sis? I know your all reading this so let me explain what's going to happen. Many of you will look out your window and wonder why is Captain Cold so late to the game. I had some business to take care of with Mick. Let's just say I froze all of your accounts including Central Cities Bank. You see Flash you may be fast but, how will you find me in this weather? I would keep this up but, I got a blizzard to catch. See you on the other side Flash. -C.C

P.S. Mick says he wants to kill you all. 

Friday, January 22, 2016

Tomorrow's End

"Legends of Tomorrow" 

Before we start can I just say how confusing time travel is! Let us firstly start with I love the idea they are going for. Its sort of the benchwarmers meets time traveling. One thing I will say is I love the idea that arrow is still sort of connected through this. I am hoping we get a flash connection as well seeing as he already has time traveled! I am not going to delve to much into the characters today because it is too early to claim where they stand or who they are. I will say that it is interesting the cast and certain people that were chosen. On a off note I am happy that Mick is kind of the comedic relief the need through all this darkness. Another thing I want to say is Vandal Savage is kind of underplayed. Yes we know he kills lots of people but, something about him doesn't give me that scared feeling when say Reverse Flash or say Damian Darhk. Also I didn't like how in the first episode they gave away Rip Hunter's motives. That would have been a really good story point to giveaway in a midseason break or a finale of some sort! Lets just hope that they have something up their sleeve! I am very hopeful for this "Team" and how they will work and become that. Its going to be interesting what the futures-past-tomorrow brings? See told you its confusing as shit. Oh one more thing that Bounty Hunter was awesome! Just a little ridiculous that 8 people can't bring down a man with a gun when these 8 people clearly have powers. Besides everything it was a good introduction to the world or worlds we will explore with these characters! GO WATCH IT!